
in case you were wondering

sure fire ways to get an oscar nomination:

-play a mentally retarded person
-play a gay person
-play queen elizabeth
-be in a movie about the holocaust
-be the lead role in a biopic
-be meryl streep


"If Illinois isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's one hell of a competitor"

and aint it the truth.
seriously tho, just over a month ago we elected the first black president, the pride and joy of our great state.  and now this.  ugh.
anyway, enough about boring politics.  i finished my story!!  its totally and 100% done.  it comes in at just over 10,000 words (i know, right!).  i have read it so many times i am starting to hate it, so hopefully once that passes ill most likely be posting it online somewhere for those of you interested in reading it.  it will mostly be here on this blog or other blog i will create strictly for my writings.
finals are approaching, and i am very much NOT looking forward to that.  but with finals comes the end of the semester which is always a good thing.  and with that...



i did it!

i finished my short story, and i am very excited about it.  its not quite perfect yet, i still have some adjustments to make, but the first draft is complete.  im actually really proud of myself because this is something i started and actually saw through to finish it.  hopefully when im done making all the corrections i will put it online somewhere so people can actually read it.  anyway, thats all for now, i just wanted to share my good news.



okay, i lied.

so i know i said that i would eventually be reviewing the episodes of the office i have missed.  well, it doesnt look like that is going to happen.  in all fairness, i had every intention to review them when i said that i would, its just that i have a few other things i am working on that take preference.  my sincerest apologies to anyone who was looking forward to those reviews.  although i have a feeling im not disappointing anyone.  
but the good news is that one of those other things i am working on is a short and i am really excited about it.  usually when i start something like that i give up a couple pages in but i think i might actually finish this.  its loosely based on my life, and once its finished and gone through a few rereads, i may just put it up here for you to read.  but i am not going to make any promises i cant keep.
anyway, thats it for now.  tomorrow is the big election day.  if you can, GO VOTE!




so i have been totally slacking on this blog.  i really want to review each episode of the office as they come out, but im just not finding the time.  well, its more like when i do have the time, i choose to do other things.  i think i might just do one massive post with my thoughts and such.  and trust me, i do have a lot to say.
in other news, my life is pretty boring, which means i dont have much to complain about.  hopefully something comes up so i have something to write about.



why bother

yes, i realize i have not reviewed  'Baby Shower', so, for that im sorry.
but i also realize i am probably the only one who reads this thing so its not like im not letting anyone down.
anyway, i still plan on reviewing the episode, although it will mostly likely be in conjunction with this upcoming episode.
fear not friends, you will hear more soon!!



lets get ethical!

Episode 2:  Business Ethics

Bravo!  What a fantastic episode.  I really felt like this could have fit right in with season 2, which for those of you who are not as familiar with the entire series as I am, that is a very good thing.  This episode was funny and smart, and had some heart in it too, which I loved.  One of the things I love about the show so much is that at the end of the day, these are characters you love to laugh at, but also love.
Very much like The Client in season 2, this was another example of what I like to call Michael knows best.  It is very easy to forget why Michael became Regional Manager in the first place.  In this episode, Michael felt it best to ignore Meredith's unethical behavior, something Holly was not happy with.  Through the course of the episode, we learn that sweeping the issue under the rug was the best choice for the company, and regardless of this reasoning, Michael had made the right call, or "knew best".  
Another thing I love to see is Jim pranking on Dwight.  Their interactions in this episode were so reminiscent of season 2.  This was also the second time we got to see Dwight pee in a empty soda container.
Now, I could be wrong, but I think this episode will spark something we all know to be coming;  Holly leaving Dunder Mifflin.  I see this as the beginning of many instances where Holly either doesn't agree with something Michael does or feels uncomfortable by it that she will eventually want to leave.  Which is really a shame because Holly is so perfect for Michael.
Overall this was a great episode, and the rest of the season will be as good as this one, we are in for a real treat this year.
