
oh tyra!

so i was watching an episode of tyra where she had a bunch of top model rejects talking about their cycles and blah blah who cares.  at the beginning tyra tells the audience how one day top model was just this idea in her head and now its in 120 countries and whatever.  then she says, and i quote, "the ratings are just second to american idol."  
now tyra, your audience may be a few fries short of a happy meal but they certainly are not dumb enough to believe that the only show more people watch than top model is american idol.  the only instance where i could believe antm comes in second to idol is the list of most watched shows with america in the title.



its been a while....

'ello readers.
so it seems that i have neglected to update my blog.  but dont fret, it was not unintentional.  i just havent had anything to write about.  i know that none of you really care how boring my life is.  i mean, i wouldnt care about my boring life if i was someone else, so yea.  
anyway, not a whole lot of complaints to make.  american idol did another week of beatles songs, which was stupid cuz there were not that many good performances the first time.  so as you could imagine, the final 11 blew no one anyway.  although kristy lee cook wants to "blow simon out of his socks."  direct quote.
dancing with the stars started this week.  i must say, i am quite impressed with the amount of celebrity they have for this season.  after last season's start quality, abc could have convinced america i was famous.  but DWTS has really rounded up some serious C level celebrities.  (thats right, i abbreviated, how do you like me now?!)
also, if you get a chance, go see matt nathanson in concert.  he is very good live, and extremely entertaining.  funny and talented.
i guess that is it for now.  its spring break and im le tired.



attn: the carpet no longer matches the drapes

yes ladies and gentz, i dyed my hair.  by myself.  and it is awesome.
its suppose to be light auburn.  its kinda hard to tell in the pictures but its much lighter than my natural color.  and its got red in it too.  anyway, i just wanted to share.

in other news, its been a big week for flaming homosexuals.  one of them won the fourth season of project runway and another got booted of idol, causing mass amounts of tearage.  now, in christian's case, i cant say i really loved his collection, but i didnt really love rami or jillian's either.  his certainly was the most dramatic and was the most show, but rami and jillian both had more wearable and marketable clothes, which ultimately a designer needs because what good are they if they cant sell their clothes.  do i think christian deserved to win?  absolutely.  he is a brilliant designer with tremendous talent and impeccable tailoring skills.  but i really think each designer had a good case for the win, which really speaks to how much talent there was on this season.
which brings me to another reality, who likes to think its the most talented season ever.  when in fact, it is not.  i would say out of the sixteen contestants left before they chose the top twelve, i liked maybe five.  FIVE.  like seriously, what the fuck idol?  and thanks america, you got my favorite little homo kicked off.  who by the way, has a HIlarious christmas video on youtube.  seriously, watch it.  but yea idol has a couple good singers, most of whom wont win but will probably end up more successful then the winner anyway.  ugh, whatever.
tomorrow im going shopping for new clothes, but i promise i wont write about it.  this blog is not turning into one of those online diaries where all i do is talk about what a boring life i have.  talking about other peoples lives is just more fun.


(happy birthday linz!! <3)


hello friends

miss me?

so, friday i celebrated my favorite alcoholiday*, unofficial!!
for those of you that dont know, unofficial is short for unofficial st. patricks day.  see, at u of i, spring break is always during the week of st. patricks day, so a lot of students are not around to celebrate it.  well, some bar owner like ten years ago decided to do something about it, and official was born.  in the beginning, i imagine, unofficial was just a night to go out and celebrate st. patricks day.  now, its an all day drink fest.  basically you want to get as drunk as possible for as long as possible.  everybody gets all dressed is green clothes and parties all day.  like, unofficial is probably the only day of the year the majority of the student body wakes up before 9 am.  and they are up for one reason.  to drink.
anyway, i would hate to bore you with the details but ill just say that i had a very good unofficial.  so, to any of you readers who know someone at u of i, and you like to have a good time, i would strongly suggest getting yourself down to chambana next year for unofficial.
you will not regret it.


*sadly i can not take credit for that word, i did not make it up.