
nobody reads this shit

seriously, who am i kidding.
regardless, im a big fan of someecards.com and today i made one of my own.  enjoy!



this just in....


19 long weeks have passed and my favorite show is finally back on the air.  i thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me to start a new tradition.  episode reviews!  every week i will review the new episode and let you know what i thought.  so, shall we?

EP 1:  Weight Loss

for the first time we finally get to see what our dunder mifflinites do during those long days of summer.  to be honest, i have mixed feelings about the premiere.  like, from a strictly comedic point of view, the episode was hysterical.  i mean, really funny stuff.  and not just easy funny.  last night's episode was full of humor that was really smart and clever.  overall just great stuff in the funny department.
as a holistic episode tho, i thought it was kind of lacking.  first of all, the way they broke up the show by each week didnt really give the show the tightness it usually has.  like, it almost felt like a collection of clips that chronicled two months instead of one tight, succinct episode.  it was like they had so much to cover in the episode that it felt kinda scattered.
also, the whole jam engagement really threw me.  first of all, i had read a spoiler online about something big happening in the rain, but i never would have guess it was gonna be the proposal, especially this early in the season.  like, we could have gotten at least two or three episodes of some anticipation.  for me, they way it happened was so unexpected i like didnt even have time to process.  although i will say that tight shot of them making out in the rain was pretty hot.

anyway, thats my review.  its prolly not that good but i dont give a shit cuz this aint your blog.  
until next week...




as i stare into my computer, thinking of ways to avoid doing homework that do not involve facebook, i remembered i still have this thing.  i am coming to the realization that this blog only exist for the few times i get extremely bored with facebook.  or for when i need to bitch about something, which does not happen as often as i first anticipated.  and although it seems like i just came here because i have nothing better to do, that is not the only reason.  i just watched the season premiere of the island, mtv's newest real world road rules challenge.
now the challenge comes in many forms; gauntlets, infernos, duels, etc.  but all of these have one basic premise.  two teams compete in a series of challenges (get it?) while eliminating players along the way, with the ultimate goal of receiving a grand prize of some sort.  however this challenge is unlike any other we have seen before.  there are no teams.  there are no challenges.  they basically just dumped a group of 20 somethings on an island, and told them their prize is on another island just a few miles across the ocean.  there will be smaller "face offs" where players fight for keys to the treasure chest which contains their prize.  like other challenges, players are systematically eliminated.  however, unlike other challenges, the cast is not pampered with luxury mansions and catered meals.  this time they are living survivor style.  i mean seriously, their house looks like the set of gulligan's island.  and all they get to eat is rice and fish.  and occasionally the army will air drop various supplies for them.  
this may sound an awful like survivor the show, and i would agree, expect for one thing.
because it would not be an mtv challenge without it.  i mean, whoever came to the idea table suggesting to take the next set of real world and road rules rejects and throw them on a desert island, expect them to basically fend for themselves, expect provide them with unlimited amounts of booze.  fucking genius.
anyway, thats about it for now.  
