
in case you were wondering

sure fire ways to get an oscar nomination:

-play a mentally retarded person
-play a gay person
-play queen elizabeth
-be in a movie about the holocaust
-be the lead role in a biopic
-be meryl streep


"If Illinois isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's one hell of a competitor"

and aint it the truth.
seriously tho, just over a month ago we elected the first black president, the pride and joy of our great state.  and now this.  ugh.
anyway, enough about boring politics.  i finished my story!!  its totally and 100% done.  it comes in at just over 10,000 words (i know, right!).  i have read it so many times i am starting to hate it, so hopefully once that passes ill most likely be posting it online somewhere for those of you interested in reading it.  it will mostly be here on this blog or other blog i will create strictly for my writings.
finals are approaching, and i am very much NOT looking forward to that.  but with finals comes the end of the semester which is always a good thing.  and with that...
