
i blog.

ah, my first blog post.  where to begin.  well, i guess i should first of all say thanks for reading, cuz without readers, i would just be some girl on the internet.  (yikes, how acceptance speech-y was that).
also, if people do read this, i will still be a girl on the internet, just slightly more popular.
anyway, i have never really blogged before, so i fully anticipate that my blog will not as funny as i want it to be or insightful or interesting for that matter.  but that only means i can only get better at blogging. (try saying that five times fast...)  also, in case you havent noticed, im not a big fan of punctuation.  thats probably because im used to using word programs that correct all that for me.  although occasionally ill throw an apostrophe in when i fee like it, but i digress.  
i guess this whole blogging thing started cuz ive spent like the whole weekend reading project rungay, my new favorite website.  these two fags (and they refer to themselves as such so dont get all politically correct on me) basically trash past and current seasons of project runway.  so i thought it would be fun to have a blog where i could dish about shit and whatnot.  big thanks to my friend bella for coming up with the name of my blog.  (again, how awards show-ish.  maybe its cuz ive got the grammy's on).
to be honest, im not sure how long ill keep this thing up.  it could easily die off just like my xanga and myspace did.  or maybe ill become an internet sensation.


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