
happy fucking valentine's day asshole

ah, yes.  feburary 14th has decided to show its face again. 
i know what your thinking.  oh, another single girl bitching and whining about how alone she is and what a horrible life she has and how she will never find a man and be alone forever blah blah blah.  i am not one of those girls.  while i may stuff my face with ice cream or chocolate while watching brokeback mountain in my sweats, its for entirely different reasons.
now that we have gotten that out of the way, lets rip into this "holiday".
first off, i want to say that i dont hate valentines day as i am annoyed with it.  what bothers me are the couples who get each other the cards and flowers and chocolate and gush about how much they love each other and how horrible their lives would be without each other and say shit like your the best thing that has ever happened to me. SHUT THE FUCK UP.  you dont need another day to celebrate your relationship and tell each other how amazing you are together, that is what anniversaries are for.  valentines day is suppose to be about the people in your life that you love, but dont get to tell them you love them.  valentines day is for single people and non-single people.  i shouldnt have to feel somehow less fortunate or unlucky because i am single on valentines day.  like, something is wrong with me because i dont have a boyfriend and its valentines day.  well guess what st. valentine, i may not have a boyfriend, but there are a lot of things right with me.   i have great, loving parents and friends who care about me.  
and in my book, thats pretty lucky.


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